Sunday, July 24, 2011

Solar Panels and Cars.

I think that when they have the technology, they should make one of those shades you put in your car windshield when you park in the sun on a hot day a solar panel, so it would help keep your car cool and help power the car at the same time. But it would have to be unplug-able so you could take it out of your windshield when you were driving.
Just a thought,

Friday, July 22, 2011

Maybe Powder....

You remember my frosted flakes syrup idea? Well reading it it sounds really nasty . . . .
So I have decided that it would be much better if it was a powder instead of a syrup. I have also decided that I will only disclose my evil plans on my other blog Super Villainous.

Ice Cream and Bubble Gum!

Ok these ideas are a little old school and you may recognize them from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", but I really think they should make bubble gum that never loses flavor and ice cream that only melts when it comes into contact with saliva!