Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Missiles of Doom!

So I was re-thinking my whole missile plan and I realized it is not so good. So I have a new and improved plan! I am going to shoot multiple missiles into the atmosphere that will enlarge and strengthen the clouds. Therefore, the sun can not get through and the earth will plumit into a new ice-age!That is pretty good huh? Although I guess it would affect me too.... hmmm. I got it! I will set up my house with super heat and I will charge people to come in. Then I will be the richest man in the world!!!! Because Bill Gates's assests will be "frozen". Hahahaha! I made a funny. I guess that isn't technically ruling the world but it is pretty close. I guess. Also I don't know how to do it. I will look it up on google. Because google has everything right? I don't even know where I will get the supplies. I will have to get back to you on this whole plan.

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